Integrative Somatic Coaching
Zacha Belok's Biography
The Profession of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy
Integrative Somatic Coach
Zacha Belok, MSME/T*

Offering virtual coaching for empathic, tender-hearted, & highly sensitive people who are learning to stand in their power.
Here’s the deal. The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is. When we make that kind of deep bow to the soul of a suffering person, our respect reinforces the soul’s healing resources, the only resources that can help the sufferer make it through.
~Parker Palmer
🕯️Integrative Somatic Coaching is conscious companionship and guidance through a professional, personal, spiritual, and embodied process of rebirth. We digest, metabolize, release, and create something anew. For something to be reborn, we take on the work of digesting and metabolizing what has been. Only through this, can we sense what is asking to emerge anew.The coaching environment is a place to unfold, to know yourself, to see untruths, strengths, fears and longings. It is a place to be influenced by your body's wisdom and move toward a life of deeper nourishment and freedom.
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Integrative Somatic Coaching
Zacha Belok's Biography
The Profession of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy
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*Master Somatic Movement Educator & Therapist (MSME/T) is a professional designation indicating 500 hours of professional training and 500 hours of professional practice, granted by the International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA) Board & Leadership Council.
Zacha Belok's Biography
The Profession of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy
What question are you asking in your life that brings you here?
My name is Zacha and there is something special I wish to share with you. My teachers gave this gift to me, and I wish to pass it on.
Integrative Somatic Coaching
a place of sanction during life’s trials and metamorphosesa place where your body can digest and metabolize experiencesa place where something can be reborn
...especially for the empathic, sensitive, & tender-hearted
Being extra sensitive brings a level of vigilance to everyday life that can get really overwhelming. Loud noises, bright lights, strong scents, other people's emotions...it's a lot! Those of us who are picking up on more sensory stimuli than the average person need the right conditions to feel comfortable and connected to themselves. Many of us didn't have caregivers who understood how to attune to our sensory needs and that consistent 'miss' in childhood translates to chronic dysregulation in everyday life.As a highly sensitive person myself, I know what it's like to constantly feel bombarded by external stimuli. Through Integrative Somatic Coaching, my hyper-sensitivity started to reveal something extraordinary. As I learned to attune to my body and relational needs, I started to experience profound beauty and connectedness.Part of what Integrative Somatic Coaching offers is a reparative repatterning experience in which highly empathic, sensitive, & tender-hearted people can get their needs for support and attunement met, often in a way that wasn't possible before.
...who are learning to stand in their power.
What a strong phrase: "stand in their power!" Years ago, I would have scoffed at it. The gall! Now, I realize power is so personal and vulnerable. It's so intimate. True power is grounded in vulnerability. It looks like tiny and consistent acts of speaking up for the things we know to be true, that others can't see. Power sounds like "that actually doesn't feel right" or "can we do this differently?" or "I am going to make space to do this thing no one else seems to care about."Power is about believing in what you see and feel and know because you've had someone to help you recognize your own truth.
Why Somatics?
Somatics is about learning to trust your bodily knowing and inner guidance. It's a gentle process of opening up to more dimensions of intelligence, with a conviction that there’s something else happening besides our thoughts. Somatics is about making room for information that comes directly from the heart, the hand, the feeling of wind on our skin, or the support of the chair beneath you. It’s nothing fancy or whimsical, it’s just what’s happening right under your nose, in the present moment--often the most elusive thing!In a coaching session, somatics offers a way to ask our body how it feels about a challenge or an insight. We may feel tense in the shoulders, suddenly very warm, or open in the chest. Attending to the body as part of coaching opens up the realm of embodied knowing. Rather than trying to "figure it out" or unpack a topic intellectually, we support the mind to stay in dialogue with the body. This way, the thinking mind can be nourished and guided by the entire body.
What am I like as a practitioner?
I try to honor the deep wisdom and autonomy each person brings to a coaching session. That means believing that my client's inner compass comes first, as we introduce interventions. As a practitioner, I don’t assume to know more than my clients or put myself on a pedestal.Instead, I offer a nourishing space of presence and care because my teachers gave this to me and it changed my life. They gave me conscious, non-judgemental, accepting presence, and that is part of what I wish to humbly offer. This work has put me on a life-long path of learning and practicing embodied presence in all aspects of my life.My prayer:
May I be worthy to usher others seeking sanction through life's trials. May we each find the immense compassion needed to be alive. May we each be nurtured by an ever-forgiving, compassionate, loving presence.
What's the cost of a session?
The one-hour session fee is $180. Coaching occurs online via Zoom and is accessible worldwide.At times, I may have sliding scale spots available. Please reach out if cost is an issue for you and we can discuss the options available.
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Learn more about...Zacha Belok's Biography
The Profession of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy
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Integrative Somatic Coaching
The Profession of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy

Born and raised in the Hudson Valley, New York, Zacha Belok (he/him) is an Integrative Somatic Coach drawing upon eight years of professional practice and ongoing somatic psychology training. He coaches everyday people to leverage their body’s intelligence for personal and professional development. Zacha has conducted thousands of coaching sessions, trainings, and workshops across industry, non-profit, and government settings, collaborating with institutions like the City of Santa Monica, Planned Parenthood, Amazon, and Salesforce.Currently, Zacha facilitates the Leadership Exchange and Coaching Project, a year-long leadership program, in collaboration with the Northeast Regional Child Advocacy Center and the US Department of Justice. Here, Zacha guides non-profit leaders nationwide through organizational development and somatic coaching.In addition to organizational training and coaching, Zacha maintains a private coaching practice in Berkeley, CA.
Training & Education
Tamalpa Somatic Coach, Tamalpa Institute
Master Practitioner, International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association
Teacher-in-Training, The Discipline of Authentic Movement, Circles of Four
Advanced Group Coach, Aletheia CoachingWesleyan University, Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology: Embodiment and Biopolitics
In 2018, Zacha came to the Bay Area to begin his training in somatic psychology and expressive arts therapy at The Tamalpa Institute, where he completed a 9-month residential coaching program alongside 23 fellow practitioners. Following the program, Zacha completed a year-long practicum with supervision in New York City, facilitating in-person coaching sessions and groups focused on themes of personal power, creativity, and sexuality.In 2019, Zacha became a registered ISMETA Somatic Movement Therapist & Educator and conducted leadership coaching at BetterUp, a tech company based in San Francisco.In 2022, Zacha completed the extended 500 hours of training and professional practice required to earn the professional designation of ISMETA Master Practitioner.In 2023, Zacha became a teacher-in-training of the Discipline of Authentic Movement, an embodied awareness practice with roots in dance, healing, and mystical traditions that supports the development of “the inner witness” or clear and compassionate consciousness. Today, Zacha practices The Discipline of Authentic Movement individually and in groups, alongside his teachers Paula Sager, Bonnie Morrissey, and Cornelia Shmidt.

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Integrative Somatic Coaching
The Profession of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy
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